Wednesday, September 28, 2011

NEWSS Conference

At the conference I went around to a lot of the vendors that were their. I went to Chairkid ski lifts, I spoke to Maynard Russell. The ski lifts that they make have had more sales in Europe that any where else in the world. Their about 400 of their lifts in Europe and about 40 in the US. I then went and saw that reliable racing was their so I spent some time talking to John Jacobs the president of Reliable Racing. I talked to him for a while about what new stuff they have and how much better it is. Patti Dykman is the office manager at Leitner Poma headquarters. She was telling us that they are putting in 9 new lifts this year. After that I went to a Booth for bracelets, but they are not ordinary bracelets. these Bracelets by EFX are specially designed to make you more balanced while doing anything. CB Vaughn works in the Business Development department for EFX, they are trying to use the bracelets that have RFID chips in them to be the season passes for resorts to increase the simplicity of ticket sales. One of the last people I went to see was Chris Rousseau from NSP or National Ski Patrol. I also went to a seminar on RFID cards,  the speaker was Mike Bisner. He explained that the RFID cards can be placed in a pocket all season with no need to pull it out every time you go to a lift. The RFID cards can maximize your resorts revenue, switch lifts on different days, and also have different access times and areas. Their slogan "One network, One partner", with their new FOS software it can take care of most of the sales at the resort like ticketing, reservations, retail, food, and rental. The NEWSS Conference was pretty cool and I wouldn't mind going back another time.

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