Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jay: Week 2

Unfortunately I was not able to go to Jay Peak this week due to me being sick.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jay: Week 1

At Jay I got to ski with the ski patrol for the first half of the day which was awesome. The ski patrol does not do much with the sustainability of the mountain but they do have to do with the service and safety of the mountain by helping people that have gotten injured or have gotten lost on the mountain. During the after noon I was with Ski School and they have a minimal part on the Sustainability of the mountain but they have a part on the snow and lifts aspect of it. Their main focus is the service of the customers and the safety of their customers that want lessons. The ski patrol supports the customer by helping them with anything that they need on the hill, the ski school supports the customer by giving them the best lessons that they offer. The Ski patrol helps the employees with helping them with problems that they have, the ski school helps the employees by being friendly. Ski patrollers benefit the the owner by making sure that the mountain is safe  for everyone, the ski school helps out the owner by making sure that the customers get the best lessons that they can get.